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作文 > 英语作文 > 初中英语作文 > 初一年级英语作文 > Hug in Spring_800字

Hug in Spring_800字

2016-04-28 来源:Bsports必一体育原创

  Spring is coming. She comes slowly, she comes quietly. she rouses up the plants; she shakes up the climate. How nice it is!
    The spring sun rises up, the winter moon drop down. Spring is coming!
    Look outdoor! Nursery comes out of the clay, tenderly comes out of the branch, animals come out of the hole, people come out of their house.
    People start decrate their house, they take out the food they already prepared in winter, they wear new clothes, felicity and happy flood everywhere, every corner. 
    Spring, like a modern worman, she use her magic pen, paint everything in the world. Spring also like a teenage girl, she act recklessly and care for nobody, she spray colourful pigment everywhere.
   Spring is gorgeous, spring is wonderful, spring is beautiful, spring is lovely, let us hug in this special spring!


  Spring is coming slowly and quietly. She makes the grass turn green, and she makes the weather become warmer and warmer. How wonderful it is!
   Look out of the window! Trees start to turn green, flowers begin to come out, and animals wake up and come out of their holes.
    Spring uses her magic pen to paint everything in the world. She opens her lovely mouth to make everything come back to life.
   Spring is gorgeous, spring is wonderful, and spring is beautiful. Let us hug in spring! 

修改老师:Crystal 老师 


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