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Spring coming_650字

2016-05-05 来源:Bsports必一体育原创


What is known to all is that spring is the most comfortable season in a year. In addition, I think it is also the most beautiful season. There are three months in this season ,March, April and May.

The beautiful spring season has come, a winter slumber and the world full of exuberant vitality—everything recovery as well as all flowers bloom. In this warm season, the sun is shining brightly and the breeze is blowing gently. What’s more, I enjoy going out for a walk in the street when I get a break from studying, which can keep me away from troubles and make me quite happy and relax.


In a word, spring festival is my favorite season. What about you? Let us hug in spring together!

  It is well known that spring is the most comfortable season in a year. And I think it is also the most beautiful season. There are three months in this season, March, April and May.

  Spring has come, and the world is full of vitality—everything comes back to life. Trees begin to turn green, and all flowers start to bloom. In this warm season, the sun is shining brightly and the breeze is blowing gently. What’s more, I enjoy going out for a walk in the street when I have a break, which can keep me away from troubles and make me quite happy and relax.

In a word, spring is my favorite season. What about you? Let us hug in spring!

修改老师:Crystal 老师 




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