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作文 > 英语作文 > 初中英语作文 > 初二年级英语作文 > Hug in spring_750字

Hug in spring_750字

2016-05-05 来源:Bsports必一体育原创

  If someone asks me" Which season do you like best?" I will answer "Spring."  If the trees are turning green, the ice of stream begins to melting and  the first geese begin to return the South. This means that spring is coming  and everything is coming to life.At this time, let's go into the spring ,hug in spring.   Spring is the first season in the year.There is a Chinese saw"The year 's plan is in the spring, the day's plan is in the moring."  Spring is full of energy.It makes everything wake up.In spring, the ground fill with green and beautiful flowers. The elder people bath by the sunlight, the young men cheer up at the vitality of spring and the children play happily,  they are all like a baby in spring's arm.  Spring is coming,let's hug in spring,hug in its vitality.

If someone asks me that which season I like best, I will answer "Spring."  When the trees start to turn green, the ice begins to melt and  the swallows begin to return from the south, we know that spring is coming  and everything is coming back to life. Spring is the first season of the year. There is a Chinese saying, "Make your whole year's plan in the spring and the whole day's plan in the morning."  In spring, we can see green trees and grass and beautiful flowers everywhere. People are all enjoy themselves outdoors and children likes running in the warm weather and flying kites.  Spring is coming, let's hug in spring.

修改老师:Crystal 老师


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