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作文 > 英语作文 > 英语读后感 > 《花木兰》英语读后感_2000字


2018-07-01 来源:Bsports必一体育整理

     The novel is a long time ago, there is a village, the village lived in the Mulan family, Mulan's father because of injuries in the battlefield, leg disease, retired at home self-cultivation. However, when Mulan was in his teens, there was unrest in the country, and the enemy were preparing to attack the Great Wall under the Great Wall. The emperor had to draft under the edict, each must have a man as young men went to the front to fight. One of them was Mulan's father, her father Mulan in order to have the courage to Nvbannanzhuang Congjun father.
     The edict issued second days at home, Mulan came to the barracks, soldiers who did not know that she is a girl. In this way, she began the camp life, day after day training, let her follow the comrades in arms practiced a good Kung fu. One day, sir. The arrow at the top of the post, but no one can take it off, only Mulan continue to spend all night time, climbed to the top, with the arrow, also let the other side the soldiers to him to sit up and take notice. Finally on the battlefield, they go, go, suddenly, a lot of the enemy rushed to them, it was in ambush. Mulan see in front of the snow capped mountains and cliffs, and a gun on the snow capped mountains, is a great power, the avalanche enemy were all drowned in the thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers snow capped. The chief was also swept away by the strength of the avalanche, Mulan in order to save him, be injured by ice, the general asks a doctor to come to her to pack up time, everybody discovered that Mulan is unexpectedly a female. Thinking that Mulan had saved her life, she did not kill her, and the army threw Mulan back to the capital. Mulan found that there is no enemy killed in an avalanche, Chanyu alive. Mulan hurried back to the capital, risking the death of the enemy, and telling everyone that the enemy had not died. But no one believed her, just because she was a girl. Unfortunately happened in the emperor to the executive reward, in a raid, the emperor was captured in the tower. Everybody just believed Mulan's words, and worked together to save the emperor with Mulan. The emperor wanted Mulan to stay with him as his minister, but she refused. She wanted to go back to her hometown. The Emperor gave Mulan Khan's sword, let everyone see this girl contributions to the country, the people and the emperor thanked her.
     I read the book, think Mulan is very brave, who is a great sin, but to her own father at all costs, really great.


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