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作文 > 英语作文 > 英语读后感 > 《木偶奇遇记》英语读后感_900字


2018-07-01 来源:Bsports必一体育整理

  The Adventures of Pinocchio is a novel for children. It was written by the Italian author Carlo Collodi. It’s about the naughty adventures of Pinocchio and his poor father. An angel gives life to Pinocchio, so that he starts his adventures. If he wanted to become a real boy, he must pass the test of courage, loyalty and honesty. During his adventures, he cuts class for fun and treated because of greed. He turns into a donkey because of his naughtiness. Besides, he is punished. Once he tells a lie, his nose would be longer. At last, he falls into the belly ofa big whale and meets Geppetto accidentally. After the adventures, Pinocchio finally grows up. He turns to be honest, hard-working and kind and he becomes a real boy. This story tells us that honesty, hard-work, courage and kindness are the most important to us.
  《木偶奇遇记》是一部写给孩子的小说。它的作者是意大利作家卡洛.科洛迪。这是关于比诺曹的淘气历险和他可怜的父亲的故事。一位天使给了 比诺曹生命,因此他开始了他的冒险。如果他想要成为一名真正的男孩,他就必须通过勇气,忠诚和诚实测试。在历险过程中,他因贪玩而逃学,因贪婪而受骗。最后因此变成了一只驴。除此之外,他还被惩罚了。只要他一说谎,他的鼻子就会变长。最后,他落到一只大鲸鱼的肚子上,并偶然遇到了皮帕诺。经过这次历险,比诺曹终于长大了。他变得诚实,勤奋和善良,并且成为了一个真真正正的男孩。这个故事告诉我们,诚实、勤奋、勇敢和善良对我们来说是最重要的。


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