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一年级英语作文:little study_750字

2023-12-06 来源:网络资源

  My balcony is my little study. It's only about two square meters, but it's a lot of fun.

  East head of the study, there is a desk, the top of desk is a bookcase. There is a pink lamp in the upper left corner of the desk. Every day I come home from school and sit under the lamp reading and writing. Neatly put the reference books in the bookcase, reference books, documents, etc., they are like a small knowledge, constantly provides me with a spiritual sustenance.

  On the west side of the study, with a brand yamaha electronic organ, I finish my homework every day, sitting in front of the piano, practice the teacher teaches music in the last lesson, it not only removes the study on fatigue, and add a lot of fun to my life.

  The north side of the study is three bright Windows. Pink curtains, which cover my strong sunshine in the hot summer; In the cold winter, I stood in the cold wind.

  I love my little study.





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