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初三英语作文:ordinary mothers_900字

2023-12-06 来源:网络资源

  My mother and thousands of ordinary mothers are concerned about loving their children. But in my mind, my mother is like other people's mother, because mom is the best in my mind.

  Mother is not the most beautiful among her peers, but my mother's kindly face and hardworking hands make me feel beautiful. My mother likes to wear a white shirt with a pair of black trousers, which is extraordinarily spiritual. My mother had long black hair and big bright eyes, showing the radiance of love. My mother is medium, slightly fat, wrinkled in his hands, and a lot of calluses on his palm. My mother says it is work for the housework. I think my mother is really industrious and amazing.

  Dou Xing shift, I went to school age, in class, the students are positive to answer questions, and I always can not keep up with the teacher's train of thought, the heart is very uncomfortable. My mother found out that I was different, and gave me after-school tutoring after school, knowing that I understood all the classroom knowledge.

  This is my mother, an industrious and kindly mother.





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