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初三英语作文:I love my mother_1200字

2023-12-06 来源:网络资源

 She has a black hair, like a ponytail, a pair of black pearl-like eyes, a pair of curved eyebrows, laughing when there is a pair of sweet dimples, but also exposed two small teeth, high nose , Little mouth, like a small cherry, every day smiling. - that's my mother.

  My mother is the person I am most familiar with, I will not do the subject she taught me, life she care about me, whenever I was sick when she was more than anyone else, and sometimes I wake up from sleep also see She bedside with me until I burn. My mother is also a day to send me to school, and my mother is also helpful.

  Once, my mother and I went to Ganoderma Park for a walk, walked, suddenly heard a little girl crying: "Mom ... ... mother." My mother and went to the little girl's side, my mother asked the little girl: "where your mother?" The little girl cried and said: "Do not know." "Where do you live?" Mother asked. The little girl shook her head. My mother told me to play the game with the little girl, we side of the game with the little girl while playing her mother, and soon, I saw aunt rushed to run over, the little girl saw his mother ran past, tightly Live a mother. Aunt said: "Thank you." Mom smiled and said: "You are welcome, should."

  Later, I must be like a mother to help people around the difficulties, whether it is familiar or not familiar with the people. My mother is my good example, I love my mother.





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