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作文 > 英语作文 > 热点英语作文 > 动物类英语作文 > 去动物园_1500字


2023-12-08 来源:网络资源

  Last year, my mother took me to Haicang zoo play, I want to see the big tiger, the lion, so in the park, I could not wait to pull a mother in the park take the free shuttle bus to the area of the beast.

  The car slowly into the beast area, through a series of electric iron gate, into the woods, wow, met by twos and threes tiger, some of them lying in the grass, some in the leisurely walk, some hide behind the tree. At this point, the driver said, "feed the food in a little while, you can look at them close, and I hear both excitement and fear." I saw the driver to get off in front of a big tiger, clip a piece of chicken out of the window in front of the tiger shaking, smell the smell of tiger meat slowly close to the window, suddenly erected pouncing on the food, the car was its strength in some earthquake shaking, the tiger appeared long and sharp teeth, mouth tear food, and a whirring sound, the car has a little brother looked scared crying. After feeding the tiger, the car went forward again, and on the road there was a family of lions. They were resting on a big tree on a small hillside.

  The beast area, my mother and I went to the brown bear, Brown Bear Park, tall and large, walking ringing pound, I threw an apple in the past, and to catch the bear, "Kacha" sound will be apple to chew food, is really good. Then we went to see another animal, see the lovely kangaroo, the giant panda Hantai can be arrested, clever monkey, beautiful peacock......

  This trip, I saw a lot of animals, increased a lot of knowledge about them, it was really an interesting play.









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