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作文 > 英语作文 > 英语日记 > how can it be sunny_2000字

how can it be sunny_2000字

2023-12-08 来源:网络资源

  For several days in a row, the puddles on the ground are still full of ripples; For several days in a row, the rain still rustled on the leaves; For several days in a row, the wiper of the car still swings wildly. Some people say that ripples are beautiful like flowers. Some people say that the voice of "the rain hits the buttonwood leaves" is very nice; Some people say that the swing of the wiper has a sense of rhythm, but I can only sigh and look at the rain outside the window, cursing viciously: "Damn, it's raining again!"

  It's raining today, so look forward to tomorrow, but the weather forecast is always like a downpour, which has ruined my hope. The seven-day weather forecast is full of icons-a rainy cloud laughing at us.

  There is no sunny day, even if it is cloudy, at least you don't need to get into a raincoat, don't need to be invaded by sewage splashed by cars, and don't need to play with a rubber-free ping-pong board in a crowded auditorium-this is really a torment for a person who hasn't touched the beat in the past two years, not to mention some balls flying like headless flies in the auditorium, trying to smash your glasses with a white figure at a certain time.

  It's raining, and it's too disappointing. How can it cry for weeks? Did you fail the exam? Did you eat half the ice cream and fall to the ground? Did you lose the ball game? Someone bullied it? Of course, we can't guess. We can only hope it will be happy soon in silence.

  It's never sunny, it always rains. The sky is dripping with rain, and my heart is dripping with rain. The ground is wet and my heart is wet. You can't go out on rainy days. Open the window for air. The damn rain is still coming in. Had to stay at home, like a small snail in its shell, waiting for the weather to clear up. Tired of waiting, I really want to take God out and execute the death penalty, and shoot him with a bang. When you think about it and don't have this right, does it look like a wayward person? Is at the bottom of life, it rains to vent. When it goes out from the trough, it will still show its smiling face, and start to sprinkle sunshine on the earth, dry the accumulated water and illuminate the haze ...

  This week and this month may all belong to rain, but it will be sunny one day. But--how can it be sunny?





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