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2024-01-20 来源:网络资源

  This year's winter vacation is so boring, the homework finished, play enough, also had been back home, as for reference books, really impatient, don't want to see, still not come down, see what all feel uncomfortable. It is only that I worth I look forward to every day miss charity sale.

  Selling things, and no tried, sold people say hard, but I feel fresh, more fun, can chat with my classmates stretching his legs as he called, much good, really let person, wish that day come soon.

  Shining hope ah, ah, finally back to the sale of the day. Today is our booth in the flower market opened the festival days, although there is no rice firecrackers, but in a large red cloth on the table have put our face reflected redly, our heart is hot.

  This is the first time we sell things, so start early, learn business. Put the goods all neatly on the table, we began to back the price. "Wow, so hard to back!" See the price list, I can't help but sigh. Things and more, the price is not the same, is harder than poems the text. Wanted to hear, to deceive the past calculate, but see other students are very hard back, think of the desire for knowledge faces of ShanLiWa that, I also involuntarily back up: year after year have fish 15 yuan Chinese knot, great luck in the year of dog puppy doll 12 yuan, 10 yuan happy eggs... As the saying goes "nothing in the world is difficult if you put your heart into it." After a while, I will give price list.

  Probably because we opened ahead of time, no one come to visit our store, is really depressed. Suddenly, a tall figure coming toward us, approached a look, turned out to be our dear President yao, ha ha, is yao's principal friendship, one can buy the five fuwa, after a while, the headmaster came also, zhao buy things also many, finally is not devoid of business! Time to rush past, more and more people unknowingly, we busy busy. Today was not white.










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