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作文 > 热点话题 > 关于世界无烟日作文 > 世界无烟日英语作文:Harm of Smoking_550字

世界无烟日英语作文:Harm of Smoking_550字

2012-05-09 来源:Bsports必一体育整理

  No Smoking Day is an annual health awareness day in the United Kingdom that helps smokers that want to quit smoking. The first No Smoking Day was on "Ash Wednesday" in 1984 and it now takes place on the second Wednesday in March. The campaign is now in its 24th year and is a firm fixture in the UK calendar because of its continuing success. On No Smoking Day 2006 1.5 million smokers made a quit attempt and millions more used the Day to take a step towards stopping smoking.

  The campaign is run by a charity of the same name, which is based in London and has four full-time staff. The charity is funded by a coalition of governmental and voluntary sector organisations with an interest in health.


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