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    作文 > 英语作文 > 小学英语作文 > 五年级英语作文 > Run_800字


    2014-12-15 来源:Bsports必一体育原创

      Everyone in this world run,human are born to be running.The fact that even a baby learn to run first.

      Running is also a very important thing to do ,in every life people would run for something or run alway from something.

      IN this world people run for their goal and they would do anything to make it happen.As we work towards our goal ,we might give up something that it's meanful ,like time and money and it depands how much the goal is mean to you.

      We run for our goal.

      We run for the one we love.

      We run for a higher level.

      But out of all this we also run alway for something.

      We run alway from our punishment and our recposibileties(责任,有些字忘了)but indeed we can't be faster enough too get alway from those thing.What you have to do ,you ought to do.

      Just remember you keep running towards your goal but never run alway.


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