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作文 > 英语作文 > 小学英语作文 > 五年级英语作文 > She_2000字


2015-04-14 来源:Bsports必一体育原创


Chi is one of my friends, but do not know recently Shi Bushi in evil, seems to hate her......

"The good earth ah!" See two Chi comb ponytail, feel ugly. She heard that, immediately black face, pointed to my hair: "you only soil!" I was a little surprised: "the classroom except you every girl with her hair tied in a ponytail, their soil?" Hearing this, the relaxation of the head sank, very happy.

Misswu said: "after English class to write the homework to students, leading to check." In our school, every time the leadership down to check the homework will see, and for the selected their homework is the crowning glory. The end of school work, but I did not, how be to return a responsibility? Ever have.

I looked Chi there, actually! I was shocked, she feel oneself highly flattered waved school-based homework, look at the eyes, as if to say: "you are not, I have!" See her appearance, I thought of one thing:

I and the following is a group, the teacher asked us to fill in a form, I was the leader, but Chi has snatched a table, said: "I can fill in! Your writing is small and ugly, the teacher will criticize."

What? My word was small and ugly? HMM, well, I take you there? As much as you word, dare to call me. Of course, I could not say these words to her, and so have the guts to say it!

Afternoon, Misswu came to our class, said: "I put some homework write up very good, do not have to write the homework today, also need not fill!" I every assignment is a +, must be selected.

Results as expected, I don't have to work, have a look following table, a book!

She was surprised to see down the table and have a look me, none of the above, it is not happy. I smiled at her, which contains his smile and surprise.

Chi see my smile, gave me a black eye, said: "proud of what ah? Look at you. "

Hearing this I mood boys and girls, please! When I was in your homework to school did not say you, you also hurts.

Gradually, I don't play much. When she was criticized by the teacher, I secretly pleased. See her in a class, I desperately. See her too horrible to look at the score, I laughed at her. See her clumsy-handed move the chair, I do not know to help playing on one side......

I know that our friendship is not as strong as ice, already is a pool of water, slowly disappear.


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