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作文 > 英语作文 > 英语演讲稿 > 毕业演讲7_2000字


2023-12-08 来源:网络资源

  Everyone has a dream,want to be a police,want to be a teacher,want to be a novelist... I also have a dream,my dream is to be a scientist.

  If grow up,I really became a scientist. I'll watch carefully what on earth have ecological changes,etc.,the place with bad,invention related equipment.

  I found that the earth environment is becoming worse. I want to invent a kind of electronic bird. It will suck erosion of heaven in the sky fly dust,make the sky more blue. When birds hopping on the ground,it will suck the ground of garbage,let the air becomes more pure and fresh,as you all know,birds can't swim,but electronic birds can swim,it can put the polluted river has become clean and clear.

  I also found that the present shortage of resources. I invented a kind of fast forward. It put the resources of rolled to hundreds of years,several thousand years,tens of thousands of years,hundreds of millions of years. But in this period of time,man is not old,resources can be increased.

  If the invention is not the good earth,I will invent a kind of speed of the spacecraft,the spacecraft is fully automatic. It can automatically search for habitable planets in space and take the human to the planet. The speed of the spacecraft surface is very small. There is only one double bed so big,but can take ten thousand people at a time. Because of the speed of light,the spacecraft compact so it won't hit the rocks. Planet. And it is very fast,as long as 0.0003 seconds per km back and forth. If really can not find a suitable planet. The speed of light,the spacecraft will be turned into a is bigger than the earth planet for people to live,this planet similar to earth. But in fact it has many functions,the inside of the house is the earthquake of flood control. Cutting trees sprout up immediately. Always very clear fresh air,the air is always blue... .

  These are just my dream. But I hope it can become a reality.











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